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Collaborative Innovation Institute Listed on the List of “2017 Liuzhou Small and Micro Enterprises Public Service Platform” (First Batch)

Updated:2017-11-08 09:29|Hits:

News Web (Text by Shi Yudan from Publicity Department of Party Committee, Photo by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of Party Committee) It was learnt from Liuzhou City: On October 27, 2017, Collaborative Innovation Institute of the College was listed on the list of “2017 Liuzhou Small and Micro Enterprises Public Service Platform” (First Batch).

The reason for the honorable listing on the first-batch list of “2017 Liuzhou Small and Micro Enterprises Public Service Platform” was that Collaborative Innovation Institute met the requirements in three aspects, i.e. providing the society with public technical platform, enterprise training and technical services.

Collaborative Innovation Institute of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College, established on October 10, 2016, undertakes the significant tasks of external output of technical services and internal enhancement of the faculty’s scientific research ability and talent cultivation ability.

Since its founding one year ago, Collaborative Innovation Institute has accomplished three major external tasks: firstly, it has brought in high-end talents and technical teams, such as the technical team with Cai Hegao, an academician and the Chinese robot pioneer, acting as the consultant, and Liuzhou Lepton Precision Test Technology Co., Ltd. (high-tech); secondly, it has provided high-quality technical services and overall solutions for intelligent manufacturing factory with the teams brought in. The Institute has incubated a batch of excellent high-tech companies and 6 innovation entrepreneurship teams, such as Liuzhou Xinpeng Root Technology Co., Ltd and Guangxi Kailai Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd, etc. More than 30 technical services, such as intelligent panel for automobile air conditioner and automatic test panel for automobile battery have been provided for plenty of enterprises including SGMW and Liuzhou Motor Group. Thirdly, it has improved the popularity and influence of the College. Especially in the “double creations” project of innovation and entrepreneurship, Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College has won certain popularity and influence. In 2017, it provided 4 sessions of robot technology promotion trainings for 200 person-times for the enterprises including Guangxi Motor Group and SGMW. Moreover, only in this year, the College became “Guangxi Fifth-Batch Technical Transfer Demonstration Institution in Autonomous Region Level”, and “Demonstration Organization of Small and Micro Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Innovation Base City” of Liuzhou City, and was listed on the list of “2017 Liuzhou Small and Micro Enterprises Public Service Platform” (first batch), which increased the popularity and influence of the College.

Internally, the Institute has assisted Electric and Mechanical Engineering School in establishing the robot-training center; helped Electronic Information Engineering School to hold training class of Big Data Engineer for 32 trainees from SGMW; and assisted Dr. Yu Qiaoling from Environment and Food Engineering School in purchasing the test equipment that could improve the test capacity. In the next step, the Institute will train the local team to coordinate with high-end team and finally accomplish the core task of establishing robot team.

Every year, the Institute is training excellent students no less than 100 person-times in the technical service for external output to increase their innovation ability and fulfill the objective of their employment in the process of serving the enterprise.

The Industrial Robot Practical Training Center on the first floor of LiuGong - LVTC Global Customer Experience Center at Guantang campus was built with the assistance of Collaborative Innovation Institute. The purpose was to align with the development direction of transformation and intelligent manufacturing of Chinese automobile and mechanical industries and provide more solid, more diversified and more completed education, teaching and practical training conditions for social services and talent training. Currently, 30 robots for carrying, welding and grabbing have been in the line of working for long time and welcome no less than 20 batches of visiting teams for visit and learning, which has built a good image of the College.

In the next step, Collaborative Innovation Institute will make efforts to build the first Ukraine New Energy Automobile Motor Technology Transfer Center in vocational college in the country and Advanced Manufacturing Incubator of Liudong National High-Tech Zone - Soochow University – Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College.

In the future, Collaborative Innovation Institute will make greater contributions to Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025 in the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period.



Zheng Junkang, Liuzhou Municipal Party Secretary, visited Collaborative Innovation Institute in September this year



Collaborative Innovation Institute established on October 10, 2016