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The School Leader Delivers a Keynote Speech at the Seminar on the Development of E-teaching in Vocational Colleges and Teaching Diagnosis & Improvement Innovation

Updated:2018-06-21 16:01|Hits:

News from News Network (Written by Le Zhuoyu from Quality Management Office, photography by Lin Cong from Information Technology Service Center) On June 14, 2018, the Seminar on the Development of E-Teaching in Vocational Colleges and Teaching Diagnosis & Improvement Innovation co-sponsored by China-ASEAN Vocational Education Research Center and Guangxi Vocational Education Development Research Center, and organized by Beijing Chaoxing Erya Educational Technology Co., Ltd., was held in Nanning. More than 400 experts of the industry and vocational college administrators participated in the seminar.

The seminar took the era of the mobile Internet as the background, deeply exchanged innovative experiences and achievements in informatization construction of vocational colleges in Guangxi, and discussed the teaching and management of vocational education in the mobile era, the practices in diagnosis and improvement in vocational colleges, the optimization of teaching processes, the promotion of teaching research and reform and the innovation of teaching mode, and the improvement of the level of teaching diagnosis and practical operation.

Prof. Ju Hongxia, Vice President of LVTC, delivered a keynote speech on “Innovation Path and Mode of E-teaching in Vocational Colleges" at the seminar. The participants were introduced the e-teaching of LVTC under the guidance of overall development strategy of LVTC, namely Internationalization, Connotation Upgrading, Simultaneous Construction in Six Aspects, and Establishing Unique and Distinguished High-ranking Prestigious School. The practices of LVTC include: the teachers set up classes on the online teaching platform and carry out online and offline teaching; the activity themed on e-teaching reform of flipped classroom; independent development of micro courses; development of quality education and teaching resources; and integration of informationization with construction and management of training bases. Prof. Ju also showed the participants the achievements of LVTC in integration of resources through top-level design of digital campus architecture to realize unique source of data, real-time data acquisition, and information sharing; enriching and improving information management tools through introduction and independent development in a combined way; and promoting the construction of smart campus and high-level teacher team of high-quality schools.

Prof. Ju's speech was rich in content and strong in motivation, which aroused the attention of the participants and provided reference for vocational colleges to improve the teaching and management level of vocational education in an all-round way, promoted the exchange of vocational colleges and played an active role in expanding the popularity of LVTC.


Meeting venue


Vice President Ju Hongxia delivered a keynote speech at the meeting