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LVTC Graduates to Sail out to the Sea of Society

Updated:2020-11-24 17:20|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Shi Yudan from Publicity Department of Party Committee, Photos by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of Party Committee) Thin sadness was the background in graduation season. It could be seen in the eyes and be heard in sobs of the teachers and students, embracing and shaking hands with one another and saying goodbye. No matter how you would do it, in smile or in tears, it eventually came - with the Parting Song being played at the grand graduation ceremony for 2020 graduates which was held in the stadium of Shewan Campus at 8:00 on June 30, 2020. Nearly 4,000 graduates will leave our campus to serve the society.

Because the epidemic is still not over yet, we still need to take caution in social activities. Therefore, this graduation ceremony was held without graduation photos, with only 374 graduate representatives at the scene.

We elaborately prepared a cloud platform for those who could not make it due to various reasons. On the platform all graduates could enjoy the camera images of the landmarks on campus in real time that were carefully selected to recollect the days we spent together. Moreover, they could interact with those on campus through the cameras in real time. The college also live-streamed the ceremony on Wechat, which has been viewed for more than 30,000 times.

Walking on the red carpet and going through the graduation gate on the first floor of the stadium, after the temperature was taken and QR scanned, we could see three art performances were on stage. Afterwards, the graduation ceremony finally began.

School leaders Liu Zilin, Gan Jinming, Yang Xu, Wang Wei, Qu Fan, Li Shanwen and Ran Fusong attended the ceremony which was presided over by Vice President Wei Lin.

After the raising of the national flag and the national anthem, representatives of teachers, administrative staff, dormitory janitors, security staff, cleaning staff and canteen staff witnessed the growth of the students and walked on the stage to receive flowers from the graduates.

The gifts to the 2020 grads were a unique, creative T-shirt, a graduate badge, and a 7-minute short film named "Open the door to the outside", which had been elaborately produced, full of both youthful enthusiasm and a touch of sadness.

Li Xiaowen, a teacher from the School of Finance and Logistics Management, offered two lines to the graduates: the first: "Facing the regrets and accept the falls on your road"; and the second: "There shall be light in your heart. Keep making progress. And best wishes in the future to you all."

Li Yushan, a graduate in Class 1 of Franchise Operation and Management in the School of Trade and Tourism Management, class of 2017, expressed his heartfelt thanks to those who had worked so hard for the growth of the students with a line from a poem: those who drink from a stream would miss its source; by the time when we graduate we would miss our teachers so so much. He also said that he would always remember his identification as a student of LVTC , and would walk to his new future life with surefooted and earnest spirits.

Two graduates who were on their posts in other cities offered their heartfelt blessings to all via online video.

In her speech, Li Weiyi, a student in Class 1, Automotive Marketing and Service of the Class of 2019, thanked the seniors for their care, support and help. She said that she would learn from them and continue to write a brilliant chapter with her youth and wisdom in the school.

Yang Xu, Deputy Secretary of our Party Committee, announced that the graduation of 2020 graduates; Liu Zilin, our Secretary of Party Committee handed certificates to 17 graduate representatives who had won the honor of outstanding graduates in the district.

Principal Gan Jinming extended his warm congratulations to the 2020 graduates in his speech. He hoped that they would keep the country in their mind, voluntarily accept difficult tasks, be optimistic, positive and enterprising; and keep learning things to improve their skills. He hoped that the graduates would uphold the craftsmanship and reward their original intentions with ingenuity, combine theory with practice, remain down to earth and courageous, become the kind of craftsmen needed by the motherland, and shoulder the historical responsibility of making China great again. He hoped that the graduates would make contributions in new environment and create more glories of their own!

Next, the principal handed graduation certificates to the representatives.

When they walked off the stage after receiving the certificates, the graduates did not feel like leaving. Some of them gave five to each other. Some congratulated each other by scribbling on shirts. Others left messages on the board. Some took photos with each other. Some took "graduation photos" on stage with the leaders and teachers... A grand farewell turned the students into alumni, and the school into alma mater. No more classes, no more assignments, and no more reminders from the teachers. Stepping into the society literally meant that the students would have to take the tests of practical lessons and endless "homework" every single minute.

We hope all of you can withstand the tests coming to you!

We wish you good luck!

And a bright future!


Graduation ceremony of 2020 graduates


Passing the gate, you are graduates


The dance "Together to Fight the Epidemic" by the members of our studentsArt Troupe


The song "Last dance " by our MET Music Association


Secretary Liu Zilin is at the ceremony


Principal Gan Jinming is speaking at the ceremony


Secretary Yang Xu is announcing the graduation of 2020 graduates


Vice Principal Wei Lin is presiding over the ceremony


Leaders at the ceremony


Raising the national flag, playing and singing the national anthem


A speech is given by a teacher representative


Graduates are presenting flowers to representatives of teachers, administrative staff, dormitory janitors, security staff, cleaning staff and canteen staff


Speech by a representative of the 2020 graduates


Speech by a student representative


Party Committee Secretary Liu Zilin is presenting awards to the outstanding graduates


President Gan Jinming (the 6th from left) is handing out graduation certificate to  graduates and taking a group photo


Graduation shirt and badge


A female graduate is bidding goodbye to her classmates in tears


Live-streaming the ceremony on Wechat with more than 30,000 views


The unforgettable moment


Group photo with teachers


"Look this way! Look this way!"


"Happy graduation!"


You will remember me like this


Goodbye, dear teachers; goodbye, dear classmates!