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LVTC Leaders Lead A Team to the Front Line of the Battle Against Poverty to Implement Poverty Alleviation

Updated:2020-12-04 15:19|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Zeng Zhi from School of Automotive Engineering, Photos by Wu Xing from School of Automotive Engineering) To celebrate the 99the anniversary of the funding of the Party, carry forward the Party's glorious tradition and excellent work, highlight our determination for tackling poverty that we would not withdraw until complete victory has been achieved, led by Principal Gan Jinming, a group of 6 leaders from Organization Department of the Party Committee, School of Trade and Tourism Management, School of Automotive Engineering visited the five appointed villages at Dudong Town, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County to fight poverty, on behalf of our Party Committee to extend condolences to the village Party Committees, party members in poverty and the first secretaries (team member).

The group led by Gan Jinming visited Jupan Village, Ba Tuan Village, Yazhai Village, Tangchao Village and Zhiliao Village to extend condolences to the village Party Branches and granted consolation money. They paid visit to 8 party members in poverty, like Wu Nai Rentian. Every time the group arrived at a family, they cordially asked about the situations of the poverty-stricken family and physical conditions of the family members, learned their difficulties in details, and helped solve their problems. Gan Jinming urged the first secretaries to the villages to give more care and assistance for senior party members and poor party members, pay more attention to the living conditions of senior party members, and take practical and effective measures to solve their actual problems. The poverty-stricken Party members expressed their gratitude to the group.

Next, the group listened to the report by Yang Nan, the first secretary to Jupan Village, on the implementation of the poverty alleviation plan in 2020. Yang Nan said that Jupan Village had entered a period to end the battle against poverty. At present, special industries, housing security, basic medical security, compulsory education, safe drinking water, access to the village, electricity, television signal, income of the collective of village, the good teams of "two committees" and other important items were up to the standards. Next, they would continue to work on two key tasks of basic public services and poverty incidence, and go on to fight the battle around "Rural poor people are free from worries over food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing" so as to ensure that poverty to be alleviated in Jupan Village.

After listening to the report, the group emphasized that poverty alleviation had entered the most critical period. It was necessary to focus on the setting goals, make more efforts to precisely carry out the tasks, put together the work, efforts and power on the policy implementation, task fulfillment and work progress, properly grasp the standards, solve outstanding issues, prescribe right remedy, take practical measures, seek practical results, and comprehensively win the battle against poverty.

LVTC has been putting poverty alleviation in prominent and important position. We work in the mode to precisely alleviate poverty as "led by the Party, walking in both tracks, and driven by several wheels", exert our superior resources of vocational education to fully assist the five designated villages in tackling poverty. Yazhai Village, Zhiliao Village, Tangchao Village and Batuan Village had alleviated poverty in 2018 and 2019 respectively.


Principal Gan Jinming holds a combat meeting in Jupan Village and expresses his condolences to the Village Committee in July


Paying a visit to poverty-stricken party members in Tangchao Village


Working on site at Zhiliao Village and offering condolences to the Village Committee


Paying a visit to Wu Nai Rentian, a 99-year-old party member, in Batuan Village